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Fay Weldon

Judge for four years 

The Drama Award at the Windsor Fringe showed to what degree live theatre is appreciated over the yawning boredom of the Box. The audience was enthusiastic, the hall crowded, tension mounted as the winner was announced. Accomplished writing, lively performances, new writing on its way to the professional top, thanks to the Fringe, who gave their time, enthusiasm and experience to make sure it gets there.  The standard of writing goes up and up and it’s great to see.

Hilary Mantel


This play emerged as the winner from a strong and varied shortlist, and was perfectly judged for the one-act format. Elsewhere there was wild comedy, sharp social observation and much food for thought. It was a privilege to be a judge in the first year of the Award, and a pleasure to see that the competition has continued its high standards. Seven years since I last judged the prize, and it’s heartening to see how the level of competence and sophistication has developed in the interval. I imagine everyone is now going to ‘Writing for the Stage’ classes.​

Vickie Donoghue

Runner-up 2005

I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for being one of the three winners [final three chosen plays] for the Windsor Fringe Drama Writing Award.  After the encouragement from my talented director, John Bruce, I went on to do a Creative Writing course……. My next short play was part of RADX Festival and performed at the John Gielgud Theatre, and my debut full-length play, Mudlarks, was performed at the High Tide Festival and long-listed in the Evening Standard Theatre Awards, in the category Most Promising Playwright.          

Kathleen Kiley

First Prize winner 2009

Winning this award has made an enormous difference. Assessing my own writing is impossible. The Windsor Fringe Award is a true blessing. How often does a completely untried writer have the opportunity to receive objective criticism from such distinguished judges?  Or to have their plays actually performed? I came away from the experience humbled, encouraged and excited to get to work on something new. As for the wonderful people involved with the Fringe Festival, I will happily go back to England to raise a pint with all of them (the unsung and unremunerated champions of the Arts!)

Tina Jay

First Prize winner 2011

This is a great event brought about by the dedication and enthusiasm of a strong team of people, giving the audience to enjoy a diverse range of plays. I had a brilliant director and cast who had a strong belief in my play and the judges gave me positive and encouraging comments. THANKS AGAIN Windsor Fringe for giving me such a great start. [Tina has gone on to have several plays shortlisted for competitions and performed in London].

Monica Spiller

First Prize winner 2013

​Winning the Kenneth Branagh Award has been the pinnacle of an amazing experience. The Award is unique in that anyone, regardless of their background, can enter and be in with a chance of seeing their work performed. Seeing my play on stage was incredibly exciting and the whole process has given me a huge boost of confidence. However, none of this would be possible without the many volunteers behind the Fringe, who work so hard in nurturing and supporting new writing.

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